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Pre-Licensed Virtual Symposium

  • Saturday, October 08, 2022
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Announcing CAMFT's Pre-Licensed Virtual Symposium
The Road to Private Practice for Pre-Licensed MFTs
Members: Free | Nonmembers: $10

This half-day symposium will combine 2 workshops on marketing, branding and private practice building blocks you need to start your journey to private practice as well as a special panel where all your supervision questions will be answered! We will also be providing more information on becoming a member of a local chapter, to help guide your journey.


CAMFT is excited to announce our upcoming virtual symposium focused on helping Pre-Licensed MFTs get started on building a successful private practice and finding quality job opportunities as a Pre-Licensed MFT.

  • Are you a pre-licensed MFT wanting to learn about what it takes to build a successful private practice in the future?
  • Are you looking for tips on marketing, branding and building a business and steps you can take to do so RIGHT NOW before you're licensed?
  • Are you searching for advice from private practice supervisors and experts who can help you on your journey?
Featuring Keynote Speaker: Kelley Stevens

Preparing for Private Practice as a Pre-Licensed Therapist with Kelley Stevens, LMFT

Kelly Steens, LMFTKelley Stevens, LMFT is a private practice therapist and the founder of Private Practice Pro. The Private Practice Pro TM is a comprehensive online platform for therapists featuring online courses, e-books, podcasts, webinars, live workshops, a blog, a private Facebook group, and free Instagram content. Our goal is to give therapists the tools they need to build thriving businesses. We are a clinician-first platform. We empower clinicians to provide the highest standards of clinical care and ethics while building financially stable companies. Check out all of our resources at www.theprivatepracticepro.com.

and a special panel of supervisors featuring Kelley and:

Anita AvedianAnita Avedian is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (License # LMFT 38403) and has been practicing psychotherapy since 1996. Anita is the Executive Director of Avedian Counseling Center and Anger Management 818, with locations throughout the Greater Los Angeles area, helping both self-referred and court-ordered individuals seek help with their aggression, and providing therapy services for couples and individuals. Anita is an Authorized NAMA Trainer and Anger Management Supervisor for certifying anger management specialists and offers monthly training nationwide. She authored Anger Management Essentials, a workbook for aggression, which has been translated into Spanish, Armenian, and Hebrew, as well as the teen’s edition.

Dr. Lisa Cox Romain is the CAMFT 2022-2023, Board of Directors President, is dually licensed as an LMFT and LPCC, and is a CAMFT Certified Supervisor and a Continuing Education Provider. Dr. Lisa is a department of transportation substance abuse professional, domestic violence counselor, registered yoga teacher, an adjunct faculty member at the University of Phoenix and Pepperdine University, and a professor and counselor at Palomar College. Dr. Lisa is the President and CEO of Cox Romain Psychological Services, Founder and Executive Director of New Beginnings and New Hope, and works with the Orange County Probation Department and Riverside County Department of Public Social Services providing domestic violence services, professional development trainings and workshops. Dr. Lisa teaches pre-practicum, practicum and internship coursework, supervises AMFT and APCC clinicians and has supervised students in directed field experience.

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SCV-CAMFT               P.O. Box 60814, Palo Alto, CA 94306               mail@scv-camft.org             650-308-4809

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