Board Position Descriptions

All board members shall serve for two (2) years, except the president-elect, who shall serve for three (3) years; the first year as president-elect, the second year as president, and the third year as past-president.

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The president is the executive officer of the chapter and its primary spokesperson. As such, the president’s responsibility is to provide leadership, exercise general supervision of the chapter’s and the board of directors’ activities, and direct and control the business of the chapter within the bounds of the bylaws and operating policies. The president-elect/president/past-president position shall serve for three (3) years; the first year as president-elect, the second year as president, and the third year as past-president.

Duties as an Officer

  1. Contribute creative and innovative solutions to improve the chapter and its financial standing
  2. Attend all board meetings prepared to debate and discuss issues at hand
  3. Attend the annual membership meeting
  4. Regularly handle board business, including debate, through various communication platforms
  5. Actively support the decisions of the board of directors
  6. Ensure adherence to the mission, goals, and deadlines of the chapter
  7. As a chapter officer, act as a signatory on the chapter banking accounts

Specific duties of the President

  1. Maintain close contact with the executive committee, board of directors, committee chairs to ensure their responsibilities are adhered to within the agreed upon deadlines and the bounds of the bylaws
  2. As a chapter officer, act as a signatory on the chapter banking accounts
  3. Ensure that all chapter officers are signatories on the chapter bank accounts
  4. Maintain Robert’s Rules of Order at all board meetings
  5. Model qualities of leadership by permitting full discussion on all debatable motions
  6. Appoint and approve board members and composition of ad hoc advisory committees as needed
  7. Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees
  8. In conjunction with the secretary, prepare an agenda prior to all board meetings, and oversee that the minutes of the meeting be disseminated in a timely manner
  9. Ensure that appropriate reports and minutes prepared by committees be voted on by the board as necessary
  10. Write a president’s message to be published in each quarterly newsletter
  11. Educate the newly-elected president as to the role of the position and transfer all material pertaining to the office



The president-elect succeeds to the presidency and works with the president to ensure a smooth transition upon the transfer of power. In the absence of the president or if the president is unable to serve, the president-elect performs president duties. Oversees and administers the nomination and election of the new board of directors. The president-elect/president/past-president position shall serve for three (3) years; the first year as president-elect, the second year as president, and the third year as past-president.

Duties as an Officer

  1. Contribute creative and innovative solutions to improve the chapter and its financial standing
  2. Attend all board meetings prepared to debate and discuss issues at hand
  3. Attend the annual membership celebration
  4. Regularly handle board business, including debate, through various communication platforms
  5. Actively support the decisions of the board of directors
  6. Ensure adherence to the mission, goals, and deadlines of the chapter
  7. As a chapter officer, act as a signatory on the chapter banking accounts

Specific duties of the President-Elect

  1. Shadow the president in their duties to be prepared for presidency
  2. Create and oversee the nominating committee in odd-numbered election years for the upcoming term
  3. Assume the office of presidency if the president steps down before end of term
  4. Educate the newly-elected president elect as to the role of the position and transfer all material pertaining to the office



The past president remains on the board for one year as a chapter officer after ending the term of presidency.  Be the main contact for the chapter coordinator. The president-elect/president/past-president position shall serve for three (3) years; the first year as president-elect, the second year as president, and the third year as past-president.

Duties as an Officer

  1. Contribute creative and innovative solutions to improve the chapter and its financial standing
  2. Attend all board meetings prepared to debate and discuss issues at hand
  3. Attend the annual membership celebration
  4. Regularly handle board business, including debate, through various communication platforms
  5. Actively support the decisions of the board of directors
  6. Ensure adherence to the mission, goals, and deadlines of the chapter

Specific duties of the Past President

  1. As a chapter officer, act as a signatory on the chapter banking accounts
  2. Assist the oncoming president in the direction of the chapter
  3. Assist the president elect in the operation of choosing and nominating committee and board members
  4. Assume responsibility for special projects as requested by the board or president
  5. Update the Policy and Procedure (P&P) manual as needed
  6. Be the main contact for the chapter coordinator ensuring they have the information they need, and are fulfilling their job duties, including reviewing their invoices before payment
  7. Oversee committees as requested by the president
  8. Educate the newly-elected past president as to the role of the position and transfer all material pertaining to the office


The secretary is responsible for keeping minutes of board and other association meetings and reminding the board of directors of bylaw issues as they arise. The secretary should be well versed in the chapter bylaws.

Duties as an Officer

  1. Contribute creative and innovative solutions to improve the chapter and its financial standing
  2. Attend all board meetings prepared to debate and discuss issues at hand
  3. Attend the annual membership meeting
  4. Regularly handle board business, including debate, through various communication platforms
  5. Actively support the decisions of the board of directors
  6. Ensure adherence to the mission, goals, and deadlines of the chapter
  7. As a chapter officer, act as a signatory on the chapter banking accounts

Specific duties of the Secretary

  1. File the Statement of Information with the California Secretary of State every other year (odd years)
  2. Work with the president to prepare the agenda for board and other association meetings
  3. Gather agenda items from board directors prior to meetings
  4. Keep accurate minutes of all board and other association meetings
  5. Send the president and the board of directors the minutes within 2 weeks after each meeting
  6. Forward the meeting minutes to the chapter coordinator or webmaster once approved by the board of directors
  7. Calls the meeting to order if the president or president-elect are absent
  8. Educate the newly-elected secretary as to the role of the position and transfer all material pertaining to the office


The treasurer is responsible for all fiscal needs of the chapter.  As such, the treasurer is responsible for the timely monitoring and management of the accounts, expenses, and disbursements of the chapter.  The treasurer chairs the budget committee and assists in preparing an annual budget for approval by the board and the finance committee.  

Duties as an Officer

  1. Contribute creative and innovative solutions to improve the chapter and its financial standing
  2. Attend all board meetings prepared to debate and discuss issues at hand
  3. Attend the annual membership meeting
  4. Regularly handle board business, including debate, through various communication platforms
  5. Actively support the decisions of the board of directors
  6. Ensure adherence to the mission, goals, and deadlines of the chapter
  7. Act as a signatory on the chapter checking account

Specific duties of the Treasurer

  1. Obtain appropriate authorizations for all financial transactions
  2. Maintain the bank account of the association and fund and draft all disbursements
  3. Chair the budget committee who will assist in the preparation of the annual budget
  4. Arrange for the auditing of the books and records of the association on a regular basis
  5. In collaboration with the bookkeeper:
  6. Regularly monitor and maintain financial books and records of the association, prepare financial reports on a quarterly basis including a balance sheet and income/expense statement
  7. Regularly compare the actual costs and revenues to the budgeted costs and income
  8. Monitor costs and revenues to ensure the chapter is within its budget and bring anything of concern to the board of directors.
  9. When necessary, recommend adjustments in spending and/or to the budget
  10. Make annual reports to the membership as required in the bylaws
  11. Educate the newly-elected treasurer as to the role of the position and transfer all material pertaining to the office


Director of Business Development

The director of business development generally ensures the growth of the chapter and facilitates chapter sales.

Duties as a Director

  1. Contribute creative and innovative solutions to improve the chapter
  2. Attend all board meetings prepared to debate and discuss issues at hand
  3. Attend the annual membership meeting
  4. Regularly handle board business, including debate, through various communication platforms
  5. Actively support the decisions of the board of directors
  6. Ensure adherence to the mission, goals, and deadlines of the chapter

Duties Specific to the Director of Business Development

  1. Develop proposals for new business opportunities, with board consultation, commensurate with the needs of the chapter
  2. Explore and develop opportunities to promote the services of marriage and family therapists within our geographic area
  3. Develop an annual short-term and long-term business development plan with board consultation
  4. Develop appropriate business relationships to encourage corporate sponsorship of designated events and activities hosted by the chapter
  5. Establish strategic partnerships with other CAMFT chapters, nonprofit agencies, institutions, etc.
  6. Maintain a database of potential sponsoring relationships as well as ongoing businesses sponsoring chapter events
  7. Educate the newly-elected director of business development as to the role of the position, and transfers all material pertaining to the office



The director of membership/outreach oversees, enhances, expands chapter membership, chairs the DEI and outreach committees, and coordinates the annual membership meeting.

Duties as a Director

  1. Contribute creative and innovative solutions to improve the chapter and its membership
  2. Attend all board meetings prepared to debate and discuss issues at hand
  3. Attend the annual membership meeting
  4. Regularly handle board business, including debate, through various communication platforms
  5. Actively support the decisions of the board of directors
  6. Ensure adherence to the mission, goals, and deadlines of the chapter

Specific duties of the Director of Membership/Outreach

  1. Recruit new chapter members, alone and in conjunction with other board members
  2. Recruit and support members for the DEI and outreach committees and/or other committees under their jurisdiction
  3. Plan and implement the annual membership meeting
  4. Facilitate events/programs aimed at obtaining new members
  5. Oversee one membership drive in two years of service
  6. Conduct chapter membership surveys when needed
  7. Review membership numbers and trends to help strategize recruitment and retention
  8. Review the membership application process and make recommendations for updates as needed
  9. Assess membership prices and make recommendations to the board
  10. Reach out to members who may need support
  11. Educate the newly-elected membership director as to the role of the position, and transfers all material pertaining to the office



The director of support groups oversees and supports leaders of chapter support groups for pre-licensed and newly-licensed therapists and other groups facilitated by the chapter.

Duties as a Director

  1. Contribute creative and innovative solutions to improve the chapter and its membership
  2. Attend all board meetings prepared to debate and discuss issues at hand
  3. Attend the annual membership meeting
  4. Regularly handle board business, including debate, through various communication platforms
  5. Actively support the decisions of the board of directors
  6. Ensure adherence to the mission, goals, and deadlines of the chapter

Specific duties of the Director of Support Groups

  1. Recruit facilitators for the pre-licensed, newly-licensed, and other support groups
  2. Monitor and reply to questions from the membership relating to support groups
  3. Recruit for, oversee, and evaluate the mentor/mentee program
  4. Oversee and update the intern directory on the chapter’s website as needed
  5. Educate the newly-elected director of support groups as to the role of the position, and transfers all material pertaining to the office



The director of technology and communications oversees the technology and the communication of the chapter mission and activities to the membership.  In coordination with the chapter coordinator, oversee chapter marketing and branding throughout the chapter, on the website, in announcements, and on the Facebook page in order to present cohesive, pertinent, and consistent messaging.

Duties as a Director

  1. Contribute creative and innovative solutions to improve the chapter and its membership
  2. Attend all board meetings prepared to debate and discuss issues at hand
  3. Attend the annual membership meeting
  4. Regularly handle board business, including debate, through various communication platforms
  5. Actively support the decisions of the board of directors
  6. Ensure adherence to the mission, goals, and deadlines of the chapter

Specific duties of the Director of Technology and Communications

  1. Coordinate the implementation of hybrid and online events, to ensure effective use of technology
  2. Regularly monitor the website for consistency, accuracy and functionality
  3. Coordinate with the board to determine the needs of the chapter to be highlighted in social media campaigns
  4. Create and post social media campaigns
  5. Recommend strategic ways to promote the chapter
  6. Educate the newly-elected director of technology and communications as to the role of the position, and transfers all material pertaining to the office



The director of programs ensures that the chapter provides a regular number of activities relevant to the membership.  As such, the director of programs oversees the special events,  luncheon, and workshop committees.

Duties as a Director

  1. Contribute creative and innovative solutions to improve the chapter and its membership
  2. Attend all board meetings prepared to debate and discuss issues at hand
  3. Attend the annual membership meeting
  4. Regularly handle board business, including debate, through various communication platforms
  5. Actively support the decisions of the board of directors
  6. Ensure adherence to the mission, goals, and deadlines of the chapter

Specific duties of the Director of Programs

  1. Establish the annual calendar of events and offerings to the membership
  2. Recruit, manage, and provide guidance to the members of the special events, luncheon, and workshop committees and/or other committees under their jurisdiction
  3. Ensure that committee proposals are brought to the board for approval; recommend and relay board decisions to the committees in a timely manner
  4. Maintain close contact with committee chairs
  5. Assess, set up, and monitor all venue contracts
  6. Arrange and coordinate payment for event venues and forward invoices and other receipts to the treasurer
  7. Review and track event fee structures for cost efficiency and make recommendations to the board
  8. Educate the newly-elected director of programs as to the role of the position, and transfer all material pertaining to the office



The director of diversity, equity, and inclusion ensures that the chapter provides an environment where diversity is a part of the chapters fiber in which members are educated about other cultures, religions, socio-economic, and traditions; as well as feel included and understood as equal members of the chapter.

Duties as a Director

  1. Contribute creative and innovative solutions to improve the chapter and its membership
  2. Attend all board meetings prepared to debate and discuss issues at hand
  3. Attend the annual membership meeting
  4. Regularly handle board business, including debate, through various communication platforms
  5. Actively support the decisions of the board of directors
  6. Ensure adherence to the mission, goals, and deadlines of the chapter

Specific duties of the Director of DEI

  1. Establish an environment where members are able to explore and integrate cultural humility
  2. Provide training for members to deepen their understanding of social, familial, and systemic dynamics, injustices and stressors; as well as the resiliency and strength of the immigrant community that makes our membership diverse and dynamic
  3. Collaborate with director of programs and director at large to include training and articles for the membership; including coordinating speakers for programs
  4. Assess, set up, and monitor a program that membership’s need for diversity, equity, and inclusion
  5. Model qualities of equity and inclusion by permitting full discussion about diversity
  6. Maintain close contact with committee chairs
  7. Educate the newly-elected director of diversity, equity, and inclusion as to the role of the position, and transfer all material pertaining to the office



The director at large oversees the editorial committee and assumes responsibility for special projects as requested by the president or the board.

Duties as a Director

  1. Contribute creative and innovative solutions to improve the chapter and its membership
  2. Attend all board meetings prepared to debate and discuss issues at hand
  3. Attend the annual membership meeting
  4. Regularly handle board business, including debate, through various communication platforms
  5. Actively support the decisions of the board of directors
  6. Ensure adherence to the mission, goals, and deadlines of the chapter

Specific duties of the Director at Large

  1. Oversee the editorial committee and the production and distribution of the quarterly membership newsletter
  2. Consult with the director of technology and communications to determine newsletter content
  3. Inform the editorial committee of any board requirements or suggestions
  4. Educate the newly-elected director at large as to the role of the position and transfer all material pertaining to the office



The director of luncheons and innovative programs oversees and evaluates ongoing luncheon program, innovative program, and their committees.

Duties as a Director

  1. Contribute creative and innovative solutions to improve the chapter and its membership
  2. Attend all board meetings prepared to debate and discuss issues at hand
  3. Attend the annual membership meeting
  4. Regularly handle board business, including debate, through various communication platforms
  5. Actively support the decisions of the board of directors
  6. Ensure adherence to the mission, goals, and deadlines of the chapter

Specific duties of the Director of Luncheons and Innovative Programs

  1. Collaborate with the director of programs to guide and direct events
  2. Select topics for luncheons and innovative programs throughout the year, based on evaluations and surveys
  3. Find free or low-cost venues for innovative programs, rotating through the three chapter regions
  4. Assess and sign contracts with luncheon venues
  5. Receive board input on the focus of future presentations
  6. Educate the newly-elected director luncheons and innovative programs as to the role of the position and transfer all material pertaining to the office


The director of special events is responsible for overseeing and evaluating special events.

Duties as a Director

  1. Contribute creative and innovative solutions to improve the chapter and its membership
  2. Attend all board meetings prepared to debate and discuss issues at hand
  3. Attend the annual membership meeting
  4. Regularly handle board business, including debate, through various communication platforms
  5. Actively support the decisions of the board of directors
  6. Ensure adherence to the mission, goals, and deadlines of the chapter

Specific duties of the Director of Special Events

  1. Collaborate with the director of programs to guide and direct events
  2. Evaluate offering an SCV-CAMFT conference on even numbered years, depending on chapter member interest
  3. Coordinate a hospitality room or table/booth at the state CAMFT Annual Conference on odd numbered years
  4. Coordinates an annual all-day workshop and/or additional workshops recommended by the board
  5. Educate the newly-elected director of special events as to the role of the position, and transfers all material pertaining to the office

SCV-CAMFT                 P.O. Box 60814, Palo Alto, CA. 94306                      408-721-2010

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