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  • The Embodied Pregnancy

The Embodied Pregnancy

  • Friday, February 25, 2022
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Online

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Presentation by Ruchi Puri, MD

Watch and interview with Ruchi Puri


In our modern times, we have lost sight of pregnancy as an initiation into motherhood that simultaneously marks one of the most transformative periods we can enter. As families and community structures fragment, there is a growing need for skilled support, co-regulation and guidance to prevent women from struggling through the inherent changes that are a natural part of this stage of life. Providers offering services to the pregnant community are strategically placed to address these unmet needs by expanding their awareness of the challenges that exist during this period.

Inherent to pregnancy is a certain degree of fear of the unknown since each pregnancy is its own unique experience. There is an effort to exert control over the process through birth plans, knowledge and curating the optimal experience. The reality is childbirth is a moment to moment unfolding where the existential risks can be mitigated only to a limited extent. The Covid era has heighten our sensitivity to fear of the unknown, challenged our capacity to trust and increased our desire to control our environment that has lead to increased levels of stress. This talk will introduce principles of Be•ology as holistic approach to an embodied pregnancy and process for grounding emotional overwhelm that comes with the fear of the unknown. Pregnancy is a vulnerable period in a woman’s life, while also being an opportunity for transformational healing in the wake of arising challenges. Using a trauma-informed lens we will reframe our understanding of these challenges and learn self-awareness practices that help clients cultivate inner coherence and stay grounded during this delicate period.

Program Goal

The goal of this talk is to provide a deeper understanding of pregnancy beyond the  physical changes a woman experiences and offer providers a holistic framework to support their pregnant clients in.  There are universal themes that a prevalent for many women that are readily normalized and dismissed instead of being treated as gateways into transformative healing processes that support the maturation into motherhood. We will learn to recognize these growth opportunities while reviewing practices that support a healthy integration of the rites of passage, which pregnancy invites. 

Learning Objectives

  1. Articulate Be•ology as holistic framework to support an embodied pregnancy for clients
  2. Name a process for grounding fear of the unknown
  3. List steps for cultivating self-attunement practice for clients
  4. List several transformational healing opportunities arising during pregnancy

About the Presenter

Ruchi Puri, MD Msc FACOG has 25 years of experience in healthcare and women’s health. Her work is at the intersection of medicine, integrative healing modalities and personal development. In addition to being an active Obstetrician Gynecologist providing hospital based care, her knowledge is rooted in Ayurvedic and Chinese Medicine, Mindfulness, as well as being Trauma Informed. While traveling, working and studying in over 35 countries, her experience traverses the healthcare industry, research, clinical medicine and transformational healing. She consults with individual clients and communities on holistic health using the framework of Be•ology as a transformational approach that cultivates self-contact and coherence across the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions of our being. https://ruchipuri.com/about/


If you miss any of the presentation, you will not be eligible for the CEUs. SCV-CAMFT is a CAMFT-approved Continuing Education Provider (CEPA 052466). This course meets the qualifications of 1.5 continuing education credit for LMFTs, LPCCs, LEPs and/or LCSWs.

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